Monday, June 14, 2010

E-laad wins highest award in the category of Environment, Energy and Agriculture in IDG’s Computerworld honors program.

E-laad won the award for their electric vehicle charge point interactive system in the Netherlands, which was jointly developed with Logica. Through the system, electric car owners will get easy, quick and national access to the stations, including access to a range of value added services.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

World markets up; BP stock plunges to 13-year low

European stocks rose moderately Thursday as an upbeat economic report from the Federal Reserve outweighed worries about the debt crisis and BP's stock plunge to 13-year lows. Investors were also preparing for an interest rate decision by the European Central Bank, with special focus on the bank's outlook and details of its bond-buying program. read more

Monday, June 7, 2010

virtualization key to sucess, survey finds

IT market research firm AMI-Partners says 2009 was the turning point in which medium-size businesses moved fully into the virtualization  space. Interest in server virtualization  among US medium businesses (MBs, firms with 100-1000 employees) increased significantly in the past year, according to Access Markets International (AMI) Partners’ latest MB tracking study. The survey found the percentage of U.S. MBs that consider server virtualization strategically important has increased from 46 percent to 75 percent.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Interview with peter barbeck chairman of Nestle

With CEOs scrutinized over their every move these days. How should they apporach the manner in which they publicize personal desires for policy changes?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Six misconceptions about cloud apps

  1. Cloud computing will put IT pros out of a job
  2. The cloud is free (or at least incredibly inexpensive)
  3. Cloud performance is never a problem
  4. You can replace Microsoft Office with Google, or Zoho, or…
  5. The cloud is easy to set up and manage
  6. Security issue, read more

Friday, May 21, 2010

Barclays Capital Raises Forecast for 2012 Carbon Price by 17%

Barclays Capital raised its estimate for European Union carbon prices for 2012 by 17 percent on speculation there will be tighter emissions limits through 2020 and a shortage of permit supply over the next two years.

Barclays forecast EU allowances in 2012 will be 28 euros ($34.55) a metric ton. This compares with last month’s estimate of 24 euros. Prices may be higher as the EU holds back on supply for the third phase of its cap-and-trade program and shifts to a tougher emissions target.

Source: businessweek

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cloud Computing Social Network

CA Technologies has teamed up with a California info tech company to create "Cloud Commons" and Internet site focused on cloud computing. The site aims to be the Facebook of cloud computing. As Phrased by CA's partner's, Insight Integrated Systems, Orange,Calif, the site is a "social networking collaboration environment designed to foster education inspiration...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life Saving Solution

C are fitted with satellite tracking and mobile phone link. A victim could flag its emergency with the press of a button. Alternatively, cars' air bag sensors can also send off an automatic alert to a monitoring centre.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

EU considers raising carbon reduction targetsEU considers raising carbon reduction targets

The European Union (EU) is considering raising its target for cutting carbon emissions to 30 per cent, the arguments for which will be laid out in a paper at the end of this month. Connie Hedegaard, the EU's climate commissioner, will propose increasing the target from 20 per cent on 1990 levels to 30 per cent. It is thought that this increase will drive up the price of carbon. Ms Hedegaard said that quite simply a high price would cause businesses to rethink their actions, the Guardian reports.

With business as usual and the 20 per cent target we will not see a substantially higher price of carbon."[At] around 30 (£25.60) [per tonne of carbon] people would start to do things differently," she explained. A higher price for carbon will also help drive innovation within the low carbon economy, Ms Hedegaard claimed.

A higher price for carbon will also help drive innovation within the low carbon economy, Ms Hedegaard claimed. She argued that under the current climate there is not enough incentive for people to seriously look for alternatives.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University are engaged in a rare collaboration

Students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University are engaged in a rare collaboration — with $200,000 at stake.
Five student teams from across the country, each promoting a prospective business venture, have made the finals of MIT’s Clean Energy Entrepreneurship Prize competition, a student-run program that helps develop and fund clean technology initiatives. One team, which calls itself Oscomp Systems, includes three students from schools that are usually rivals: one member is from Harvard; two from MIT. The team created a compression technology that reduces the cost of natural gas production.
Source: Boston

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Smart touchscreen table

A demo on smart table based on Microsoft surface, smart table can interact with more than 50 touch points instead of the legacy one-touch interaction, thus making complex situation easy to handle.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Large Companies Save More With Private Clouds

Although cloud computing service providers can help companies cut IT costs, many large and mid-size companies can achieve equivalent or greater savings with in-house systems based on the same technologies. But there are no clear guidelines that dictate when a company should keep their systems in house, or when they should look for an external service provider

Large companies and organizations with thousands of systems may see greater cost savings from building a private cloud, or using a hybrid model that combines public and private clouds. "If managed well, that's pretty close to the asymptote of economy of scale that lets you do it very, very efficiently.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Can Cloud computing Technology combat Cancer

European researchers are using cloud computing and grid systems to help treat cancer patients. Using a new cloud computing solution developed by the BEinGRID project, researchers can now share resources such as processors, storage, networking and software – regardless of location or platform.
Source: stuff

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